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Sigma Enhances Risk Curation Capabilities to Improve Efficiency & Scale

As our journey to transform compliance and due diligence teams’ workflows continues, we’ve recently added new features which further improve our client’s ability to more efficiently curate risks detected against entities and individuals while using Sigma Monitoring on an ongoing basis.

Improved Workflows

As Sigma continuously screens and detects new potential risks or negative news, users can now seamlessly select and “validate” not just the match, but also the risk, providing rationale and commentary for future users of the risk data within their organization, and helping to maintain a clean, dynamic view of risk of an entity or customer that can be used throughout an organization.

Interface Enhancement 

All user interactions with identified risks are audited, logged, and chronologically shown in the user interface to make it faster for any permissioned user to understand what has changed and review a complete change log across any monitored entity.  

Email Alerts 

Users can also sign up for email notifications across their monitored portfolio and receive alerts based on a cadence of their choosing (daily, weekly, etc.).  

If you would like to learn more about how to incorporate these capabilities into your existing workflows, or have specific feedback of questions, please reach out to

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