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Sigma expands Address Risk & improves search speed by 5x

Hello Sigma network! We continue to roll out new product enhancements and improvements across our product offerings. Check out the latest improvements below. With our latest Product updates, Sigma has expanded Address Risk coverage, released new matching algorithm and improved search speed by 5x!

New Risk Indicator - Address Risk

Enhanced address risk coverage and matching enables a more holistic view of risk and improved AML typology detection rate. Building on Sigma's proprietary shell address, sanctions-related, corporate services provider, and virtual office address data, Sigma Analysts have added over 8000 new “higher-risk addresses.” New categories have been added for addresses with multiple legal entities listed and addresses used by sanctioned entities. Leveraging improved address matching, all addresses identified in Sigma Open Search are screened in real-time to match against Sigma's “higher risk address” dataset.

Entity matching improvements

Better results, faster. Recent matching improvements deliver more matches with less false positives. Sigma’s core entity matching algorithm has been re-engineered to improve handling of corporate prefixes and suffixes and other name variations. The changes increased effectiveness of finding true positives in 30% of cases.

Speed improvements

Search performance has improved by 5x since May 2020 and over 10x since the initial launch. Recent optimizations have also significantly improved page performance, resulting in quicker, easier analysis of search results.

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Pete Arnold

Head of Product at Sigma Ratings

Product Updates Risk Management
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